Houseplants like Cissus discolor are popular because of their spectacular leaves and climbing habit. Because of the fascinating design of its broad, long leaves, this plant is called the Cissus discolor Rex begonia vine. The family of Vitaceae, however, does not include Begonias, but it is closely related to them. Today in this article, we are going to have a look at all the necessary aspects of Cissus discolor care.
What is Cissus Discolor?
The botanical name of Cissus discolor is also known as the rex begonia vine or the tapestry vine, and it is one of the most popular tropical vines. It is essential to remember that even though it is not related to the actual rex begonia, the leaves on this plant are multi-coloured, and it has an appearance that is very similar to that of rex begonias; hence its common name. It is highly valued for its elongated, deep green, heart-shaped leaves.
The beautiful heart-shaped leaves, which have silvery white mottling inside and a deep purple underside, make it an excellent houseplant and garden plant. As a result of the foliage’s resemblance to some rex begonias, such as Salsa, the plant is commonly called Salsa. Despite that, it’s not a begonia. Cissus discolor care is not hard; you must take time out of your busy routine.
A tropical plant that grows in strong indirect sunlight and temperatures between 75-85°F (24-30°C), Cissus Discolor thrives in low-maintenance, low conditions. Provide the plant with liquid fertilizer, water it regularly, and maintain a humidity above 50%.
Common Problems With Cissus Discolor
The stunning Cissus plant enlivens patios, gardens, and indoor spaces. The Cissus plant is vulnerable to diseases and pests that might damage its stunning leaves.
Whiteflies, mealybugs, and red spider mites are the most frequent pests that might harm this plant. Whitefly eggs should be physically removed using neem oil, soapy water, rubbing alcohol, and dish soap and water.
If the condition is extreme, the Cissus plant will wilt, its leaves will turn yellow, and occasionally it may die. Mealybugs can be controlled with rubbing alcohol mixed with a few drops of dish detergent, a hose to move the plant, neem oil, and natural pyrethrum sprays. The use of diluted liquid dish soap or insecticidal soaps that include pyrethroids.
Discolored Leaves
The most typical cause of Cissus Discolor damage is root rot. While avoidable, it frequently results in the death of these plants. As the leaves of the Cissus plant are evergreen, overwatering is most likely the cause when it goes yellow.
Yet occasionally, it may result from poor illumination, high humidity, or underwatering. Maintaining a watering schedule is the most effective approach to preventing your plant from succumbing to root rot.
Curled Leaves
Curled leaves of Cissus are a symptom of inadequate moisture, mainly if the leaves appear limp or withered. Pest damage, extremely high temperatures, or excessive direct sunshine are possible causes. Curled leaves of the Cissus plant are unusual. Too much sun exposure and a lack of water are two potential reasons for curled leaves. Cissus plants do well in direct, bright light.
Rot Root
Root rot is one of the frequent issues that the Cissus plant faces. Root rot may happen if you utilize pots or a soil mixture with inadequate drainage capabilities. Overwatering your Cissus plant may also be to blame for this sickness. Wilting, stunted development, yellowing leaves, and mold on the top of the soil or potting mix are typical signs of root rot.
Fungal Infections
Infected insects, soil, air, contact with other infected plants, water splashes, and contaminated seeds are all potential sources of the fungus. Yet, fungi can also be transmitted by human hands or objects that have come into touch with them. It is essential to treat fungus in plants as soon as possible to reduce stress and harm to the plant.
Little Lumps on Cissus discolor
Little lumps on your Cissus discolor can be mites or bug galls, which can be removed with a soap-and-water solution. Edema is a plant problem that may be treated by giving the plant less water and the appropriate type of fertilizer. It can also be a fungal infection treated with a fungicide. Let’s take a look in detail:
It is too late to cure galls once they have developed. Once the galls have formed, spraying the plant with a pesticide will not work since the insects are within the galls, and if you spray the leaves, you won’t get to the inside of the gall.
Regularly spraying the plant with a pesticide before the insects and mites are active is an effective and natural technique to stop these galls from developing on your plants. This could change depending on where you reside. The peak of bug activity is right before and throughout the summer.
Due to their ease of transmission through seeds, soil, or instruments that have come into touch with an infected plant, fungus infections are frequent in most plants. Treating the fungal infection as soon as you become aware of protecting the plant from additional harm is best.
Nevertheless, the fungus may also spread through contact with human hands or things that have had those hands. It’s critical to treat fungus in plants as soon as possible to minimize stress and damage to the plant.
Oedema, often known as edema, is a condition that affects plants when their roots absorb more water than their leaves can tolerate. This will cause the leaf to have too much internal pressure, which will cause little lumps to appear on the leaf.
This condition is not an infection, a bug, or a fungus. Overwatering the plant or applying incorrect fertilizer are two common causes. Be sure to feed your plant and repot it once every two to three years so that it has access to new potting soil.
Cissus Discolor Water Issues
The most likely causes of Cissus discolor falling leaves are overwatering or underwatering. This problem or shock could also result from low humidity.
Overwatering your tapestry vine plant is one of the simplest ways to harm it. It will result in root rot, which in more severe cases might be irreparable. These plants do not enjoy growing in wet soil. Let your Cissus plant alone after overwatering it, and wait until the topsoil is completely dry before giving it more water.
Since Cissus discolor withers quickly, underwatering is just as damaging as overwatering. The Cissus plant is also dangerously vulnerable to underwatering because it swiftly withers. Stunted growth, withering, as well as drooping, and discolored leaves are all indications that the plant is getting less water.
Cissus discolor care

In tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australia, New Guinea, and America, the genus Cissus contains more than 300 species of climbing plants. There are several species of Cissus – Cissus discolor, Cissus Antarctica, Cissus rhombifolia, Cissus sicyoides, and Cissus striata, to name a few. Below are a few Cissus discolor care tips that you must know to make your plant healthier.
Mixture for pots
The most critical Cissus discolor care feature is the mixture you are using. The soil should have good drainage and be nutrient-rich for these plants to thrive. It is possible to create your potting soil by mixing 50% standard potting soil, 40% perlite to increase drainage, and 10% peat moss to increase nutrient levels.
A little bit more peat moss or coconut coir shouldn’t hurt, even though most potting mixes already have some in them. Don’t forget to read the label on any product you buy! It is also recommended that you keep the soil around your Rex begonia vine Cissus moist and slightly acidic (pH 6.0 to 7.0) to neutralize the growth. Infestations of gnats may result from compost or bark-based potting mixes.
Remember to adapt your watering schedule according to the season’s temperature when watering. From spring through fall, the upper layer of soil should have a moisture level of at least 30%. To stop the soil from parching out, keep it moist.
Once you have soaked the soil, make sure that extra water is draining from the drainage holes. Overwatering can cause root rot on your plant. Watch it closely. Do not overwater this plant as it is susceptible to death if it is overwatered.
When it’s more relaxed, you should cut back on watering. The ground should solely be watered when it is dried during the winter.
Next on our list of Cissus discolor care is lighting. Especially silvery plants may lose their beautiful colourations if grown in low-light conditions. Furthermore, the growth rate will be slow. Cissus discolor leaves, however, are very sensitive to direct sunlight and will burn if exposed directly. It is also possible to cause discolouration of foliage by exposing it to too much natural light.
Which light gives the best results? It is necessary for the Cissus Discolor to be shaded in bright indirect light or to have partial shade. If you want the most delicate colours, keep it near a window facing east. During the morning, the plant will benefit from soft sunlight and be protected from harsh rays during the afternoon.
Ideally, Cissus discolor needs a temperature between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 and 27 degrees Celsius). Since indoor temperatures are not very variable, you don’t need to manage the temperature when cultivating this plant. Frost tolerance is low for these plants, so they prefer warm temperatures. When winter and frost arrive in zones with harsh winters and frosts, plants must be moved to more generous zones immediately.
High humidity is required for Cissus discolor’s dark green foliage to develop correctly. Water is essential for keeping its lush, vast leaves healthy. A minimum of 60% moisture should be present in the air. Add moisture to the pot by placing a tray of pebbles under it or misting it during dry periods. It is advisable to mist leaves regularly to enhance humidity, but avoid attracting pests and insects with moist leaves. Growing Rex begonias in low moisture may result in withering or wilting, yellow leaves, brown edges, or crispy leaves. There may also be times when the leaves fall.
Using fertilizer
Using fertilizer is a key to Cissus discolor care and a healthier plant. It is necessary to fertilize this plant to grow healthy and produce more flowers. Fertilizing your plant even once will help it grow and make new leaves. Summer and spring are good times to fertilize it with a balanced liquid fertilizer. It is recommended that you read the label for dosage and instructions. As with most plants, these vines require no additional fertilizer on colder days. A high potassium fertilizer can also be applied to this Rex Begonia Vine. Difficulty with drought is increased when potassium is present. Plants should be constantly hydrated before fertilizer is applied.
Propagation Of Cissus Discolor
A basic understanding of Cissus discolor propagation is all that is needed! You can cultivate this vine by taking leaf cuttings from Cissus discolor. From a leaf-tip cutting, this plant can be propagated easily. To increase their chances of surviving, breed them during the growing season. Here are the steps you will need to follow to propagate your Discolor Rex begonia:
- Please make sure the knife is sharp, and disinfect it with ethanol.
- Take two to three leaf cuttings and cut them with a knife.
- It is best to cut below the terminal node if possible.
- Leaf-cutting nodes can be dipped in growth hormone, but this is optional.
- A separate container should be used for sphagnum moss.
- In the next step, you will need to water the moss gently.
- Put a coating of sphagnum on the cutting and cover it with a plastic cover.
- Allow air to circulate through it by making holes.
- Direct sunlight should be placed on the container.
- Further development will occur within a few weeks.
- The new Cissus will be yours!
Does Cissus discolor grow outside or indoors?
Growing Cissus discolor either indoors or outdoors affects how you care for it. The temperature should not drop under 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Warm temperatures are preferred. When not exposed to freezing temperatures, it is a perennial vine that will live for many years.
Outdoor gardeners usually treat it as an annual. Grow it indoors as a houseplant full-time or outdoors during the warm season, then bring it indoors during the excellent season if you want to enjoy this beautiful plant for many years. After the season, they put the rex begonia vine on the compost pile.
Bottom Line
Despite its climbing growth, the Cissus discolor is a beautiful plant that is suitable for both hanging baskets and trellises. Often completely red leaves are found on begonia plants because of their exciting patterns and pointed tips. Cissus discolor care may seem complicated, but the effort won’t bother you if you are a plant lover.
Plants like this are non-toxic, very friendly, and can adapt very well to the conditions of a household. Keeping it happy won’t require much effort on your part. Follow us for more informative tips!
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