Growing Bluebeard Plant: 1 Simple and Delightful Guide

A picture showing the Bluebeard Plant

Blue mist shrub or spirea, also known as Bluebeard, is a low-mounded deciduous shrub that flowers during the late summers. It is well known for its scent and adds season-long beauty to your garden. This Bluebeard plant adds charm to your spaces that need an extra pop of color. So, you can add more bloom to your garden by the end of summer by growing them.

If you’re looking for how to grow it in your small garden, read through the article and learn about everything!

What is a Blue Mist shrub or Bluebeard Plant? 

Bluebeard Plant

The evergreen Bluebeard’s scientific name is Caryopteris and belongs to the genus of flowering plants, Lamiaceae. With low maintenance, it grows well in well-drained soil. When fully grown, it holds tubular blue smoke or mist-like flowers with a pleasant scent. It keeps your garden beautiful during the late summers when no other flowers are bloomed. 

It sheds leaves during fall and dies every year during the winter season. This sun-loving Bluebeard plant has silvery gray leaves that are 3 inches long. With its polished appearance, it maintains a high visual impact.

Characteristics of Bluebeard flower

Bluebeard plants are categorized under small shrubs heights of 1 to 4 meters tall. It blooms from the months of July to September usually. It requires full sun with medium water to grow at a normal rate. It grows around 18 to 30 centimeters annually and eventually spreads about 2 to 3 feet when fully grown.

This perennial shrub can be grown alone or in a group of three. It should not be cut during the late summers or winters. Prefer doing it during the early summers or spring season. It has other varieties with different colors of leaves and flowers than this shrub with blue flowers. It attracts butterflies that find it an irresistible source of nectar.

How to grow a Bluebeard plant?

Grow Bluebeard Plant

It can be grown in the spring season from the seeds collected during the fall. As it is a hybrid plant, new plants can be propagated. But they can be different from the seed plant. So, if you don’t want that, grow the blue mist spirea from cuttings.  

Although the Bluebeard plant does not need high maintenance, a few requirements need to be fulfilled to make them grow into healthy, attractive shrubs. It should be planted in an area exposed to the full sun because it requires around 6 hours of proper sunlight. 

It requires space with well-drained soil, but if your soil is soggy, create a raised bed to elevate its roots. It is grown in the water-conserving landscapes in the western states. It thrives in USDA hardiness zones of 5 to 8.

Blue mist grows into a mature flowering plant within 2 to 3 years. But its growth can be varied based on different climates. It dies during the fall or winter season and starts growing during the spring again. If your plant is not growing normally, it may need to be repotted. Repotting should be done during late fall or early spring. When planning to repot, stop watering it a few days before that because the dry soil will let you repot easily.

Water requirements of the Bluebeard plant

It may become dormant during hot weather, requiring water only once a week. Keeping the environment dry yet ventilated is suitable for your mist shrub because the absorption of the water and nutrients becomes very slow during dormant periods,

Such plants show up when they need water; for example, a few plants’ leaves get curled up when they need water, and some plants’ leaves droop. It is a sign that they are thirsty. You can water them accordingly.

Watering also depends on the moisture of the soil. You can weigh the pot in your hand to determine how much water is left. Another sign determining the water shortage is the crack between the soil and the pot. 

Also, if your pot has a large water drainage hole, it will require water frequently. Otherwise, the pot retains moisture inside the soil.

Blue mist Maintenance and Precautions

Bluebeard Plant Maintenence

To keep your Bluebeard plant in beautiful shape, pruning is a must. Few branches may get too dense that they need cutting. But do not cut branches other than in spring or fall. Please do not cut them roughly; use tools like knives or scissors. 

You can propagate the plant using seeds, but that is not much convenient. So, use leaves instead. Take a healthy leaf and cut it with a knife. Place it on soil with the leaf base closer to the surface. Keep it in proper sunlight at normal temperature, and the bud will start growing at the leaf base.

You must take a few precautionary measures if you’ve grown or are planning to grow a Bluebeard plant in your garden.

  • Make sure you use loose soil because it allows air to pass through. 
  • You should never place the pot under direct sunlight, especially after watering it during summer. Cover the outdoor plants during scorching heat periods.
  • If you have a Bluebeard with thick leaves, it may dehydrate during high temperatures. To avoid that, stop watering it a little earlier so that it can enter the dormant period smoothly. 
  • If the new buds start turning yellow or wither, it’s alarming. 
  • If your plant’s stem is weaker or taller with fewer leaves, it is due to a lack of sunlight. Place it under sunlight for at least 6 hours; it’ll start improving its growth.

To Wrap Up

The blue mist shrub is a sophisticated bloomer that can significantly add to your yard or garden. Its blue flowers add beauty to the garden even during late summers. It attracts bees and butterflies and can be perfect if you plan to add nectar-friendly plants to your collection. Add a Bluebeard plant for the next season to make your little space look more elegant.

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